Writing a compelling research paper is an art. As a writer, you need to devise creative ways to captivate the reader, making them interested in finding more content from your research paper. But then, how do you convince a reader to keep reading through your paper? The very first word or words they see is what will make them want to keep reading or quit reading your paper.

A research paper hook is one way that many writers have been using as a way of captivating the reader’s attention. But then, how can you use a hook for research paper to ensure it fits in the context? What are the elements you should consider? Keep reading this guide to find out the answers as you read other useful hooks for research papers insights.

What is a hook in a research paper?

A hook is the first phrase or phrase a writer uses in an academic or research paper. The aim of including research paper hooks, especially in the introduction of a paper, is to capture all the attention of the reader, giving sufficient reasons why they should keep reading the paper.

Types of hooks

There are many ways how to hook a reader. The common types of hooks that have proven to be significant in hooking the reader to papers include:

  • Use quotes
  • Statement hooks
  • Use of questions as a hook
  • Statistical hook
  • Narrating a story

There are many other forms of hooks. It all depends on the type of topic or subject you are covering.

How to write a hook for a research paper

After describing what a hook is and the different forms of hook you can use in your research paper, the next is to know how to write a hook to fit in the context and perform the purpose it is supposed to (hooking the reader).

1. Using quotes as a hook

Quotes are the easiest and most used ways many researchers use to introduce the reader to their paper. However, not every quote will fit in any context. Based on the type of topic or subject you are dealing with,  you can research common quotes under a specific subject, then choose the most fitting quote for your paper.

2. Using a statistical hook

Another perfect way to hook the reader is by stating a statistical fact. Through such statements, the reader will want to know more about the facts (whether you agree with the statistics or if you disagree) with reasons.

3. Question hook

Using questions as a way of hooking the reader can be one of the interesting ways to introduce the reader to your paper. A question without an answer will prompt the reader to keep reading the paper to the end as they hope to find an answer to your question. However, the question you apply as a hook should address the issues you intend to resolve through your research.

4. Narrating a short story

If you’ve ever read an interesting piece yet short, you know the feeling. You are left with many questions, hoping the story could be a bit longer and completer. Well, that is exactly what a story hook plays in captivating the reader’s attention. After the short narration, the reader will be interested in keeping reading your paper as they purpose to fill the gaps left in the story narration.

5. Defining a phrase

Explaining the meaning of a keyword or sentence in your topic is yet another perfect way to have your reader interested in your paper. However, make sure you understand your audience, then use appropriate words and tone when defining the word/s.


Are you almost writing your research paper? Or are you stranded on how to begin your research paper? You simply need to master the art of how to write a hook, making your paper not only complete but also interesting to read up to the end.

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